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KTM 950 Clutch Basket Replacement

Posted by on July 30, 2010

This will be a quite long post.

Started with draining the coolant, a garden hose and a bottle to collect:

Collecting the coolant

Hmm glad i dropped the hose while the bottle still was empty:

Hmm, bad move

Engine side off, and as usual i ripped the paper gasket so i suggest if u go this deep into the engine have a spare gasket at home.

Parts number for that gasket is: 60030025000

Right engine side off

Some graphite or something, clutch plate wear? If u know what caused this please comment and let me know.


1 more picture of it:

Graphite? Wear from the clutch plates?

Started removing some clutch plates, then went for the lock ring that can be seen:


Removing clutch slave to get pin holding push rod out:

Removing push rod

Inner clutch hub removed, was very easy this time since it was only torqued as my manual says to 130 Nm last time i had it apart:


Getting the needle bearing out of the clutch basket was a bit tricky but with two magnets and some wiggling I got it out:

With the bearing gone you can get it out:

Removing old basket

The new beefier CJ Design basket to go in:

New basket to go in





While I was this deep into the bike I checked up on the Oil pump.

So in with the new, and needle bearing, with some wiggling and pushing I got it in:

Needle bearing

Almost in place:

In place, a little to go

On with the washer:

Done washer in place

Inner clutch hub, discs another washer and finally the nut, 130Nm with loctite:

Inner clutch hub and plates in place.

A tie down holding the rear wheel and a high gear worked fine both for loosening the nut and tightening it back up:

Strap to hold rear wheel

Cleaned up that graphite stuff:

Cleaned this up

Push rod back:

Push rod back

Pin on the other side:

Push rod back in place.

Took out the clutch oil jet, with a hose and vacuum cleaner it was easy:

Clutch jet out

Drilled it out with a 0,75mm drill and put it back:

Clutch jet back in place

Bolted the left side back together:

Left side back in place

Cleaned the threads on the bolts holding the pressure place, since its so low torque on them i want clean threads for the new loctite:

Cleaning the threads.

Gave up here for the evening!

New day and my new camera have arrived:

Time to start

Left side was done so back on its side to work on the right side:

Bike on its side

Cleaned gasket surface on the engine:

Surface for gasket cleaned

Rekluse pressure plate:

Reklust preasure plate

Some wear in the middle:

Some wear

2,8 Nm to torque these up:

Low torque on these bolt

New gasket in place, very easy with bike on it side, otherwise a little grease on the engine part helps hold the gasket in place:

New gasket in place

Engine side back, and as usual I forget about the ground wire in the bottom right but don’t worry I found it:

Engine side back

Removed the gasket from the water pump to clean it up, the dentist torture tool is good to use:

Dentist tool for removing gasket

Water pump and exhaust back in place:

Exhaust and water pump in place

And forgot the drain bolt again, a bit hard to tighten with exhaust in place but not that bad:

And forgot about the drain bolt

With the oil I was able to reuse i filled up the oil tank and it was all the way up:

Oil and water filled.

So could start it finally, the new camera handles HD recording so tried a short movie starting the bike click the video to go watch the HD quality:

All bolted back up:


End with some pictures of the old basket, how long before I would have started loosing teeth on it?



And that was it for the clutch baskets replacement!

Hope you find it useful!

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