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Wiring up heated grips on the Transalp

Posted by on April 22, 2011

This is a continuation of mounting the heating elements on the Transalp.

Here we will cover how we wire up the electrical part.

The previous owner had added an outlet so we had an extra set of wires feeding power to the front end, it was complete with a fuse holder, he only ran 3A fuse in it but there were wires heavy enough to handle more so just upgraded that to a 10A fuse:

Aux power feed have a fuse on it

To reduce the risk of ending up with a drained battery we installed a relay located behind the headlight, here is a view from underneath:

Relay from underneath

And from above, We cthe resistor for low setting can also be seen:

Relay installation and resistor for low

We connected the relay action to the parking light so when the key is turned off it kills the power to the heating elements:

Parking light

And since we wanted the switch up by on the handle bar the wiring harness that came with the grips wasn’t long enough so had to extend some of them.  We still used the switch that came with the kit and added shrink tubing everywhere. A kit of different size tubing is great to have in the garage. The easiest way to shrink the tubing is with a heat gun, but a lighter works also if you are careful:

Switch connected

Some vulcanazing tape around it and a zip ties securing it around the handlebar and mirror mount:

And in place

Tied the loose wires up with some more small zip ties, following the original wiring and making sure that they wont get pinched when steering.

Cables following the original wiring

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